Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Suns from Mexico and Kathy

Lots happening this week: Bolton resigns, the Iraq study group says it’s a bust – though they take to long to withdraw, Gates will be SecDef. But none of that matters; it tis nearly the holidays and we are going to Disneyland with Ben week after next – grandparents, mom and dad, Ben, his cousin Clay and Clay’s parents. It’s been about 20 years since I’ve been, so excited – like a grandkid.

This week, more suns; mine from Mexico. And three from my partner, Kathy Paupore, honoring several Eastern poets.

Kathy first, followed by three from me:

Gilded, At the Creek
after LiPo

I follow the sky, the rising sun wakes,
and love the cold creek's purple clarity;

eastern light reflects the water's way,
small currents lead a wanderer's heart.

a song, both sun and moon this morning,
snowflakes settle in the pines, soon white.

Radiant, Along The Path
after Wang Wei

Walking on aspen path near the creek
dappled with saffron leaves, birds fly up
scatter floating catkins caught in the light
a ponderous wave of joe-pye-weed sags.

Luminent, Last Flower
after Basho

One white chrysanthemum in the garden,
sickly, one bud droops in October's sun,
frozen, I am tempted to pick it,
it would melt in my hand--autumn frost.


Optimist, G-59

Wet volleys cheered from the palabla bar,
ready for the afternoon’s bingo game.
Two well-used cards to win, even blackout;
but first Cesar calls what players thinking:

“Somebody needs a drink.
Putta your hand in the air.”

One number left, the cry echoes, “Bingo.”

Effulgence, Indulgence

Down yet one more donkey path,
another agave tour;
even the Mexican air
broken on this old bus.

Home for the welcome party -
too many margaritas
proving the tired tourist adage,
“Tequila makes clothes fall off.”

Lustrous, Flight

Sunrise through my window on the way south,
as bright coming north, the shades closed both ways.
The silver waters below invisible,
green jungles that shine only in my mind.


Until next week.



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